Exploding IPhones!

Sorry to pick on IPhone but I hate cults and iPhone users are one such followers of the cult. Also known as Steve Jobs cult. I think he is a good man but as with all good man, wants to start his own religion 😉

Anyways, the latest in iPhone is Exploding iPhones. Look at the link below:


Now the best part is the EU is giving comments and getting involved into such allegations. I hope they give a kick in Steve Job’s A** as they did with Microsoft. iPhone also has issues with applications such as GV, google voice, etc. and again they do not have a policy of how to accept and reject applications. They do it on their own whim like a dictator and that is what I hate the most about it.

And as always, Apple is not reachable for comments. And as cult members, any person using iPhone or Mac will instantly come to the rescue of Mr. Jobs. Interesting part in the article are the reader comments which says more that what meets the eye/media in general. And now you know why cults survive 😉

Toggle Power Schemes in Windows Vista

It has been a long time that I did any batch programming in Windows (almost 10-12 years). Didn’t find a need for it. But with Windows Vista, I wanted to toggle my power schemes based on whether my baby was watching some videos in youtube or not. I generally want my monitor to turn off in a minute if nothing is happening. At the same time if youtube, etc. is running then the monitor should stay on. I created a power scheme for both these functionalities. Only problem was that I had to follow a long procedure to toggle between them. Right click on my desktop, click Personalize, select Screen Saver, click on Power settings and then the schemes would be visible. And Windows Vista is so good that it hides your most recently used power schemes. So you have to click on the down arrow and select the scheme that you want. Of course you need to close all the windows as well.

I was a bit annoyed by that and hence created the below small script to help me do the toggling with minimum clicks. Also gives me an option to change my mind and not toggle my schemes. Before using the script, please make sure that the power scheme and associated GUID exists on the machine. Modify the GUIDs in the script with yours and go doing things without the windows UI painful clicks. Send me your comments and questions if you have any. It is very easy to follow the script anyways.

@echo off
echo Toggle Power Settings between Movie Plan & Balanced - www.naresh.se
echo The script assumes that both the plans are created and exists
echo Change the Scheme_GUIDs as available on your machine

For /F "tokens=4,5 delims= " %%A in ('powercfg -getactivescheme') Do (
Set pwrscheme=%%A
Set schemeName=%%B

rem set %pwrscheme%=powercfg -getactivescheme

set pwrscheme
set schemeName

echo Current Power Scheme is %schemeName%
set /p answer=Do you want to toggle the scheme (Y/N)?

if %answer%==n goto endScriptWithoutToggling
if %answer%==N goto endScriptWithoutToggling

echo Okay Get ready...

powercfg -setactive 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e

if %pwrscheme%==381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e goto toggleSettings
powercfg -setactive 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e

goto endScript

powercfg -setactive f1453bb4-3a7a-4373-bd18-fae8c5f067d2

goto endScript

echo msgbox"PowerScheme is Not Changed">"%temp%\a.vbs"&"%temp%\a.vbs"&del "%temp%\a.vbs"
goto end

echo msgbox"PowerScheme is Toggled Successfully">"%temp%\a.vbs"&"%temp%\a.vbs"&del "%temp%\a.vbs"



Euclids Algorithm…

Euclids algo is a nice one to find out the lowest common divisor for 2 given positive integers. I am once again going through Donald Knuth just for fun. Enjoy talking about it and posting your own suggestions / code on the following URL. You can also find my intial code on that link.


Will keep posting and give you more of this useless (in terms that it does not help me in my daily work and probably will not help you as well, unless you are mathemacian but then you probably have more advanced libraries to carry out such stuff hence I am convinced that it is totally useless) albeit fun stuff.

Browser Wars! Adding fuel to the fire… ;)

I was trying to upload some photos to picasaweb and thought of doing it via google chrome this time. They would definitely have tested that site with Chrome and would make it better then the one in IE. Guess what, I can upload only 5 files at a time using Google Chrome. i.e. Chrome does not have support for extra addons / BHOs (browser helper objects) that IE or other browser has. So one gets reduced functionality with a reduced browser interface as well.

Hmm.. I like chrome. Infact I am typing this post using chrome. But things like that really annoy me. And for selecting each of those five pictures via a button is really a job best left to people who don’t upload much. This post is another one adding the fuel to the fire.

Browser wars! Who do you think would be the winner? For the time being I think it is IE8 since that is the only browser which I don’t have any problems with. My mozilla 3.0.4 crashed as soon as I had 2 instances open with one instance running a web based game known as Evony and another one running GMail and Yahoo. Safari 4 worked a bit better for sometime and suddenly one fine morning it hanged all the time. One instance running all the same in different tabs plus another instance running 5paisa TT browser.

Write me your experience / comments with different browsers and discuss your opinions in the forums!

External hard drives finally working in Vista!

Referring to my article “External hard drives not working in Vista!” I did some more research and invested a lot of time googling and binging and finally found some reasons as to why the external hard drives were not working in Vista. One of the reasons was Vista itself. Well, I had to download and install the SP1 update to get some better configured USB drivers for Vista. I also had to apply the Cummulative update for USB core devices on Vista.

After those updates my USB drives started working. I also had a problem with my hard drive casing and had to replace it. One of the Tx lines was a bit damaged in the IDE interface clamp. So finally my hard drives are working. For all the people facing similar problems, please troubleshoot it in the following manner.

Step 1: Upgrade Vista to SP1 and apply the cummulative upgrade for USB core components for Vista. URLs are given in the article above.

After this step check your devices. If it still doesn’t work then check your hardware. The hard disk cabinet might be a problem. Another problem might be the IDE interface. In my case, one of the interface pins was a bit damaged. I had to replace it. Even when it was damaged, my hard drive was getting proper power and stuff which made me to believe that the hard disk cabinet was working properly. Anyways, check your connections and it should work fine.

If your hard disk has data on it which you want back then never initialize it as posted on some forums and by users who are facing this problem. That is the worst thing you could do to your hard disk and data. Also don’t use any of the external partition recovery tools which can potentially damage your NTFS records.

Have fun and hope this information helps you solve the issues if you face any. Again no special drivers are needed for any kind of external hard disk cabinet you use.