Backward Compatibility!

Backward Compatibility The internet is littered with articles on backward compatibility and why it is important and rants of people who work/use 1970s systems on the same. Well the last sentence there was a pun but people do rant on not being able to use the PS2 games on PS4 and or not being able […]

Active Inertia & Active Waiting!

I have been doing some reading on Management Perspectives lately and as a working professional clearly have more or less involved and/or observed such situations. Even though at first glance one may or may not give it a name, but reading through it, understanding it and contemplating over definitely gives a very deep sense of […]

Using Facebook PHP SDK v4 โ€“ Part 1

I always have ideas on how to do things in a different way. Facebook today is like an aggregator with loads of information that can be mined/used to generate revenue/business for various simple ideas. Facebook is an excellent portal which not only provides avenues for advertising/social fall through, but also provides for instant access to […]

R.I.P. Nokia…

Today, 11th February 2011, is an unfortunate day in the history of mobile computing. Microsoft and Nokia has announced partnerships for Windows Phone 7 (WP7) as the primary smartphone platform on Nokia devices. Besides WP7, Nokia will also run Bing and in turn Bing will use the Ovi Maps for their backend. Nokia will also […]

Business Ecosystems & Symbiosis

It has been quite some time since I last blogged. Of course I can blame Al Qaeda for that or better still write about stuff that is really useful for the reader! Now now, I donโ€™t say that one should never blame Al Qaeda ๐Ÿ˜‰ The title of the blog says a lot on what […]