External hard drives not working in Vista!

I had an ASUS 6000VM laptop and had partitioned and installed XP on the 80 GB Fujitsu 2.5″ hard drive. I had created a root partition (C:\) of 20 GB and 60 GB worth of data partition (D:\). My computer charging circuit burned because of a problem with my charger and I am now trying […]

The Google Chrome OS is coming…

http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html Google announces the Google chrome OS which is pretty much a web-based OS. I guess would be much like Palm Pre in that sense. I was wondering when Android will start fragmentation. Looks like 2nd half 2010 or 1st half 2011 as of now 😉 But exciting as it is, lets see how Google […]