Backward Compatibility!

Backward Compatibility The internet is littered with articles on backward compatibility and why it is important and rants of people who work/use 1970s systems on the same. Well the last sentence there was a pun but people do rant on not being able to use the PS2 games on PS4 and or not being able […]

Install Linux on a Fresh Machine using LVM!

Okay, I know, the title says it all right? And there are hundreds and thousands of tutorials out there that allows you to do this right? Show me one tutorial which tells you what different partitions are needed when you are doing fresh install of Linux especially whose installers do not support LVM/LVM2 installations. Lets […]

OrmLite – Lightweight ORM Package + Android + *<—>* relationship?

My most recent adventure in Android/Multi-platform applications is CrickBoard! It is hosted on and is licensed under GPLv3. The application is still under construction and there will be some time before it becomes fully operational. Most of the work is remaining in the UI and further utility functions related to UI data handling. This […]

Active Inertia & Active Waiting!

I have been doing some reading on Management Perspectives lately and as a working professional clearly have more or less involved and/or observed such situations. Even though at first glance one may or may not give it a name, but reading through it, understanding it and contemplating over definitely gives a very deep sense of […]

Gain local root access on an encrypted HDD (FDE) in Linux

Disclaimer: The following information is to be used for educational purposes only. I am not responsible if you do something weird with your encrypted drive and it fails to boot! And doing this stuff on other’s computers (i.e. computers, HDD, etc. which are not owned by you) might land you into legal troubles and no […]