SSHFS on Linux & Windows

SSHFS does come into play when connecting to a remote client and/or working on a remote server. I am pretty sure most of you are aware of how to do this. But if not, the below can help a lot with your development using your favorite tools. The problem is that on the remote servers is either not having root access, or updated and latest software and/or most of our new age tools might not work as expected (eg: try to run atom on it or sublimeText). Also using NX is pain… You can of course run Linux or X-Server on windows and get native X-forwarding but losing the SSH session will invalidate your window and you might have data loss. Worst of all, such X-sessions are not restored (on windows).

So one idea is to use SSHFS on both your Linux and Windows client and load your $HOME directory as a shared drive on which you can operate. If you want to read more about it (

For Linux:
    – If you do not have sshfs installed, install it (sudo apt-get install sshfs)
    – sudo mkdir /mnt/<Hercules_repo> (create a mount point)
    – Mount your drive using: sudo sshfs -o allow_other <user>@remote-server_ip:/home/<user> /mnt/<local_home>

Of course, I assume that on your local linux machine you have sudo rights ;). Now you can do stuff on your /mnt/<local_home> and all the changes are reflected back on the main server (so no more copy creations for those who were doing it). You can mount as many folders from the remote server as needed and replicate that environment on your local machine and use your machine to build/compile/test, etc.

For Windows:
    – Download or (both are similar)
    – Install and mount your Hercules repo as a drive on windows and operate on it.
    – Open source lovers can use dokany or tuissh GUI package 

    – No more NX problems
    – Use your favorite editors/analysis tools
    – No more copies of code.

Hope it helps. ENJOY!