Install Linux on a Fresh Machine using LVM!

Okay, I know, the title says it all right? And there are hundreds and thousands of tutorials out there that allows you to do this right? Show me one tutorial which tells you what different partitions are needed when you are doing fresh install of Linux especially whose installers do not support LVM/LVM2 installations. Lets […]

Active Inertia & Active Waiting!

I have been doing some reading on Management Perspectives lately and as a working professional clearly have more or less involved and/or observed such situations. Even though at first glance one may or may not give it a name, but reading through it, understanding it and contemplating over definitely gives a very deep sense of […]

Gain local root access on an encrypted HDD (FDE) in Linux

Disclaimer: The following information is to be used for educational purposes only. I am not responsible if you do something weird with your encrypted drive and it fails to boot! And doing this stuff on other’s computers (i.e. computers, HDD, etc. which are not owned by you) might land you into legal troubles and no […]

Android Applications released!

This post is a bit of marketing for the applications that I have been doing since the last couple of weeks. I have now release three applications on the Android Market. The first one is a re-write of my open source application Conference Manager (GPLv2) for Maemo. This application is also available in the Maemo […]

Software Development Process

Discusses about various Software development processes in the field of computing, the theoretical concepts and practical problems and difficulties faced while following a particular process…